Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Street Photography

  1. WhatisStreetPhotography?

    Street photography is when you take a photo which is taken in a public place making it look natural. 
  2. Whatisthe‘decisivemoment’?Researchthisandfindanexample

    The decisive moment refers to capturing an event that is ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself.
  3. WhatdoesthetermJuxtapositionmean?Canyoufindan
    The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
What do you think are the ethical considerations for Street
Photography? (Imagine you are walking into a busy street with a camera to take photos of complete strangers – what would your considerations be?)

Consider surroundings and people
Consider if there are any children in the photo
Don't look like a creep 
Have an open approach 
Become aware of who's around 

  1. Compile a personal list of do’s and don'ts for a Street Photographer 
  2. Find a Street Photo that you really like,save it and put it on your blog. What do you like about it? Explain the feelings the image gives you.
  3. Whoisthephotographer?Canyoufindoutinformationonthem? Do they have a particular style that you like? 


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