Wednesday 26 February 2014

Test Contact Form

This is my test contact form which was created using Adobe Bridge. This is essential to sending proofs to the client after a photoshoot.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Editing: Before and After

Before Edit

After Edit
Firstly I cropped the photo which enabled me to get rid of the back ground bits. Using a 

Street Photography

  1. WhatisStreetPhotography?

    Street photography is when you take a photo which is taken in a public place making it look natural. 
  2. Whatisthe‘decisivemoment’?Researchthisandfindanexample

    The decisive moment refers to capturing an event that is ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself.
  3. WhatdoesthetermJuxtapositionmean?Canyoufindan
    The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
What do you think are the ethical considerations for Street
Photography? (Imagine you are walking into a busy street with a camera to take photos of complete strangers – what would your considerations be?)

Consider surroundings and people
Consider if there are any children in the photo
Don't look like a creep 
Have an open approach 
Become aware of who's around 

  1. Compile a personal list of do’s and don'ts for a Street Photographer 
  2. Find a Street Photo that you really like,save it and put it on your blog. What do you like about it? Explain the feelings the image gives you.
  3. Whoisthephotographer?Canyoufindoutinformationonthem? Do they have a particular style that you like? 

Composition Techniques- Leading Lines and focal points

Leading lines- A leading line is a line that is direct to the viewers eye
You can find leading lines anywhere on the photo if you imaginative. The leading lines are spilt into two section called the man made and natural leading lines. With this in mind, depending on the type of day , time,and location your photo will always be different.

Focal Points- A focal point is the part the the viewer is drawn too i.e: the most important part of the photo

From this photo, it gives you many connotations of different imaginative things. It is able to enhance what you see behind the photo , and give a better emphasis to the audience. It helps demonstrate leading line , because this image connotes hell and heaven because of the the sky is up and horrible bit is below.

This photo gives a different representation because the rain trick lets are going across the page , but the you have a reflection with could be the focal point of the photo, it also makes you think what is going on ?

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Studio Lighting

This is a diagram of a 3 point set up for taking professional photos. Each light has a different effect and gives a different dimension to the photo. The main source of light (the key light) .Nextly the fill light is used in order to get rid of the shadows. Thirdly, the next light is to either reflect light or diffuse the light enabling the photo to look perfect. Health and safety consideration: Minding the portable lighting leads so that you don't trip up and hurt yourself. Also, take into account and ask if any one suffers with epilepsy. Being aware of the strobe lights so that you don't look directly into them to make sure you don't blind yourself. 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Colour Connotations

White Balance Setting

Fluorescent Light -1 
When testing out the camera , we changed the white balance manually to try and make the picture have a different effect. White balance is when it can auto enhance colour to try and even the other colours out.
Auto- White Balance 
Shade- White Balance
Fine- White balance